Tag Archives: java

Currying in JavaScript

What is currying? Currying is a technique of evaluating a function with multiple arguments, into a sequence of functions with a single argument. OR In other words, while a function, rather than taking all arguments at one time, takes the primary one and goes back to a new function that takes the second and returns Continue Reading »

Destructuring in JavaScript

The Destructuring introduced new features of ES6.JavaScript provides a mechanism to handle the array and properties of objects in a much more innovative way. this mechanism is called destructuring. destructuring means implies a complex structure into the simpler parts. Destructuring allows us to extract multiple properties from an object or an Array. It is a Continue Reading »

 JavaScript Closures

A closure is a combination of a function bundled together (enclosed) with references to its surrounding state (the lexical scope). Lexical scoping The stance of a variable asserted in the source code denotes its scope in syntactic figuring. For example: let name = ‘John’; function greeting() {     let message = ‘Hi’;     console.log(message + Continue Reading »

SQL vs MongoDB

Introduction SQL (Structured Query Language) may be a programing language that’s wont to conduct operations on database records, like updating, inserting, deleting, and creating and altering database tables and views. SQL may be a command language instead of a database system. Assume you would like to use the SQL language to run queries on the database’s data. Any direction system, like Oracle, MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, DB2, and others must be Continue Reading »

Pure Components

In this article, we will discuss what are pure functions in javascript? What are pure components? When to use pure components in React and when not to use them? What is the difference between Pure components and class and functional components? What are the advantages of pure components over others? When a function is called Continue Reading »


HealthKit is a framework that is provided by apple that helps us in getting and managing user health-related data in a very easy and convenient way. We can integrate HealthKit in any application just by a grant the application to get access to the HealthKit data. so, the user data was easily available to that Continue Reading »

Spring Hibernate With EhCache

Ehcache is an open-source, standards-based cache for boosting performance, simplifying scalability and offloading your database. EhCache is used to improve performance by reducing the load on underlying resources.  It can also be used for RESTful server caching, application persistence, and distributed caching. In simple words, cache means a store of things that will be required Continue Reading »

Hibernate Query Language

  In this tutorial will discuss about Hibernate Query Language. HQL is an object-oriented query language. Hibernate Query Language(HQL) is same as Structured Query language(SQL), except that in HQL we use entity class name instead of table name. HQL provides its own syntax and grammar Ex.  From Employee emp . Where Employee is an entity class Continue Reading »

Functional Interface and Lambda Expression

  Welcome to the tutorial of Functional Interface and Lambda expression. In this tutorial we will discuss fundamental concept of functional interface and lambda expression. Functional Interface : Functional Interface is just a interface with one abstract method, but it  can have any number of default and static method. Runnable and Comparable interface are the Continue Reading »

Spring Data JPA

  Spring Data JPA is not a JPA provider but is a specification. It is a library / framework that adds an extra layer of abstraction on the top of our JPA provider. It simply “hides” the Java Persistence API (and the JPA provider) behind its repository abstraction. JPA is the sun specification for persisting Continue Reading »

Job Scheduling with Spring Batch

 Spring Batch Spring Batch is a processing framework designed for robust and parallel execution of multiple job. It follows the standard batch architecture in which a job repository takes care of scheduling and interacting with the job.  Spring Batch Job Spring batch job reads input data, processes the input data, and writes the processed data Continue Reading »

JSONExport: JSON to Model

JSONExport:  Now you do not need to Understand your JSON Structure and create your model manually. Here is a utility to convert your JSON into model to do that. You just need to paste your JSON in JSON field. First it will check it JSON is valid, then convert it into model. It will create different Continue Reading »