Monthly Archives: January 2024


Event Loop in Javascript

Introduction The event loop is a mechanism that is an integral part of the browser environment and runs continuously, whether the code is synchronous or asynchronous. The primary function of the event loop is to manage the execution of JavaScript code, placing callbacks in a queue and pushing them onto the call stack when they Continue Reading »

Extension Keyword in Dart

Extension Keyword in Dart

Introduction Dart, a versatile and modern programming language, has introduced several features to enhance code expressiveness and maintainability. Among these features, the `extension` keyword stands out as a powerful tool for extending existing classes without modifying their source code. In this blog, we will delve into the world of Dart’s `extension` keyword, explore its benefits, Continue Reading »

Exploring the Power of NestJS

Exploring the Power of NestJS

In the ever-evolving landscape of web application development, choosing the right framework for your backend can make all the difference. One such framework that has been gaining significant attention and popularity is NestJS. With its unique blend of modern JavaScript and TypeScript features, as well as its modular architecture inspired by Angular, NestJS has quickly Continue Reading »

Understanding Tree Shaking in JavaScript: Trimming the Fat from Your Code

If you’ve ever wondered why your JavaScript files are bigger than they need to be, you might be interested in a neat optimization technique called “tree shaking.” No, it doesn’t involve vigorously shaking your computer – it’s a process that helps you get rid of unnecessary code and make your applications faster and more efficient. Continue Reading »