Monthly Archives: May 2021

Flutter Layouts

Layouts in Flutter

The main concept of the Flutter framework is with the famous saying, “In Flutter, Everything is a widget”. So we can say that flutter assumes everything as a widget. Starting from Image, Icon, text, or layout too in an app, is a widget. Even the things which we don’t see in-app, are also widgets like Continue Reading »

Tailwind CSS

Tailwind CSS

Tailwind: Tailwind is the CSS framework that is used for developing unique designs. Tailwind does not work like other CSS frameworks like Bootstrap and materializes it doesn’t come with predefined components. Tailwind provides you with a set of CSS helper classes with the help of these classes you can create custom designs. Why do we Continue Reading »


JSX – JavaScript XML

JSX stands for JavaScript Extension or JavaScript XML. JSX is the HTML-like syntax that is used by React components to render in the browser. “React doesn’t require using JSX, but most people find it helpful as a visual aid when working with UI inside the JavaScript code. It also allows React to show more useful error and Continue Reading »

Jetpack compose

Jetpack Compose

If you are an android developer then surely you are making your UI in an XML file and then attach it to the java file or Kotlin file using the setContentView() method. So, to overcome this separation android provides the new feature which is “Jetpack compose”. With the help of the jetpack compose library we Continue Reading »