Monthly Archives: June 2023

COALESCE() function in Structured Query Language 

The Meaning of Coalesce is to come together to form one larger group, substance, etc.  In SQL, the COALESCE() function is a powerful tool used to handle NULL values in queries. The function takes multiple arguments and returns the first non-NULL value. This function is extremely useful when dealing with NULL values in database tables.  Continue Reading »

Java Predicate

Java Predicate is a functional interface that is part of Java.util.function package. It was introduced in Java 8. It represents a single argument function that returns a boolean value. A Predicate takes an input and returns either true or false, depending on the condition that is specified in the function. Using predicate to check if Continue Reading »

Memoization in Javascript

Memoization is a powerful technique used in computer science to optimize the performance of functions that are called repeatedly with the same arguments. In JavaScript, memoization is particularly useful for expensive computations that involve complex algorithms or data structures. At its core, memoization involves caching the result of a function based on its input arguments. Continue Reading »

Difference pass by reference or pass by value

Before discussing into JavaScript pass-by-reference or pass-by-value function, it is known about the difference between primitive and non-primitive. Primitive Values: – Data Types string, number, null, undefined, symbols, and Boolean are primitive values. Primitive values are passed by value in JavaScript. Non Primitive Values: – object, array, and function are non-primitive values. All objects and Continue Reading »