Author Archives: Sudipta Dey

Code coverage tools

Code coverage tools are software programs that measure the extent to which a software application’s source code is tested by a test suite. These tools analyze the source code of an application and determine which lines of code are executed during testing and which lines are not. Here are some popular code coverage tools: JaCoCo: Continue Reading »

Role of equal() and hashCode Methods()

In Java, HashMap is a widely used data structure that stores elements in key-value pairs. It provides constant-time performance for basic operations like adding, removing, and accessing elements. The implementation of HashMap relies heavily on the equals and hashCode methods, which are used to ensure the uniqueness of keys and the efficiency of lookup operations. Continue Reading »

Java 8 Features

 Figure 1:Features of Java 8 JAVA 8 is one of the major feature releases of “JAVA programming language” development. It is one of the revolutionary releases of the development of software platforms. The initial version of Java 8 was released on 18 March 2014. It is responsible for upgrading Java programming,  tools, JVM, and libraries. Continue Reading »