Stream & Stream Builder What is Stream? Stream is a series of things like items or widgets you want to show on the screen. Stream is useful when you are dealing with UI. Q-What is Stream Builder? A widget that builds everything beneath like every widget beneath rebuild if there are any changes that occur. Continue Reading »
Data Encryption in Swift
Encryption – Data encryption is the process of converting plain text data into an unreadable, encoded representation. After encrypted data has been decrypted, users and processes can read and process it. Encryption converts the data into an unusable form due to this there’s less chance of hacking and data theft. Plain text is scrambled by Continue Reading »
CSS Grid is a powerful tool that allows for two-dimensional textures to be built on the web. This guide is designed as a tool to help you better understand and read the Grid, and is organized in a way that I think makes a lot of sense as you read. Grid Container Create a grid Continue Reading »
SQL vs MongoDB
Introduction SQL (Structured Query Language) may be a programing language that’s wont to conduct operations on database records, like updating, inserting, deleting, and creating and altering database tables and views. SQL may be a command language instead of a database system. Assume you would like to use the SQL language to run queries on the database’s data. Any direction system, like Oracle, MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, DB2, and others must be Continue Reading »
Pure Components
In this article, we will discuss what are pure functions in javascript? What are pure components? When to use pure components in React and when not to use them? What is the difference between Pure components and class and functional components? What are the advantages of pure components over others? When a function is called Continue Reading »
HealthKit is a framework that is provided by apple that helps us in getting and managing user health-related data in a very easy and convenient way. We can integrate HealthKit in any application just by a grant the application to get access to the HealthKit data. so, the user data was easily available to that Continue Reading »
CKEditor with strapi
CKEditor5 react is a modern JavaScript-rich text editor with a modular architecture. It is one of the most used free WYSIWYG rich text editors used because of it is clear UI and customization features. Generate Plugin Path – my-app npm run strapi generate:plugin wysiwyg Install CKEditor dependencies Path – ./plugin/wysiwyg npm i @ckeditor/ckeditor5-react @ckeditor/ckeditor5-build-classic Continue Reading »
Flexbox – This term is also called the Flexible-Box which was introduced in 2009. It is a CSS3 Layout that provides a way to arrange items within a container, basically, it is a flexible container with several properties namely width, height position, etc. If you’ve used CSS for a while you have probably been using Continue Reading »
Flutter Counter Application using Android Jetpack
Android Jetpack is the future of android development. In this blog, we will try to learn how we can make an app like the flutter default counter app. Before creating the project make sure that every dependency related to the Android jetpack is added to your build.gradle file. and your Android studio is updated to Continue Reading »
7 Best Java IDE’s in 2021
When we mention common programming languages, it’s necessary to remember Java! Actually, it’s the most common programming language in the world with around seventy lakh Developers using it Regularly. One among the explanations for this can be the versatile nature of Java. Be it desktop apps, mobile apps, or web applications, you name them and Continue Reading »
Introduction : SonarLint is an IDE extension that helps you to detect and solve your issues on your code before committing code. What is SonarLint : SonarLint is an Open Source and license-free IDE extension. You can add this extension on your IDE like Eclipse or Visual Studio Code that can help developers for finding and Continue Reading »
How to Create Child Theme in Magento 2
The theme defines the look and feel of your store. One for Magento default theme “Luma”. If you want to changes in existing theme then you have to create a child theme of the existing theme rather than implementing the changes in the parent theme. Why should I make a child theme? Because, if the Continue Reading »
How to disable the Check/money order payment method in frontend-only and enable it in backend in Magento2?
Magento 2 can offer various types of payment methods, gateways, and payment services. Payment methods: Payment methods are the number of ways by which merchants can collect payments from their customers. By default, magento2 has 5 default payment methods. Which are as follows: Check/money order Bank Transfer Cash on delivery Purchase Order Zero Subtotal Checkout Continue Reading »
Kotlin Scope Functions and their use
As you know kotlin is the official language for Android Development since 2017. Kotlin provides the way in which we can write clear code and make it easy to understand. So, today we will discuss one of the main features of koltin which is known as Scope Functions. There are basically five scope functions in Continue Reading »
Latest Features Of Java 16
Java is one of the most powerful programming languages in the software world. Recently, Java 16, the latest version of Java has been released on 16th March 2021. Oracle announced the availability of Java 16 (JDK 16) with 17 new enhancements to the platform. This latest Java Development Kit release comes with language enhancements, new tools, and improved Continue Reading »
Convert Guest To Customer Magento 2
In normal e-commerce websites, customers do not like to register before placing orders. Customers like to do easy checkout by selecting their product so they prefer to do direct guest checkout. Magento supports Guest checkout but when a customer wants to order the same product that time he/she is not able to order the same Continue Reading »
How can we create coupon or discount codes programmatically in magento 2 ?
As we know coupon codes are the combination of letters and digits which are given to the customer to avail a special discount offer at the checkout page of an online store. Nowadays it’s the basic technique to attract customers to online stores. In this blog, we will create coupon codes programmatically. For this we Continue Reading »
What is Material-UI?
INTRODUCTION Here we will discuss material-UI What is it? Why are people using it and how do we set it up in our next react application? So if you didn’t hear of it before, then it’s time to learn some of its major applications. We will create some buttons, headers, and other useful components and Continue Reading »
Create Tests in Postman
Postman is an API client that helps to create, share, test, and document APIs. This is done by allowing users to create and save HTTP requests and their responses. An overview of a simple request in Postman would look something like this Where it has Request URL Parameters Authorization Request Headers Request Body & Continue Reading »
Functional Testing AND Non-Functional Testing
We all know how important the process of testing is and how it affects the delivery of software. But for performing good software testing it should be balanced from all the aspects like the requirement of the client, how to load applications can handle etc. The output we are providing to the client should Continue Reading »
SQLite Database in Flutter
If you are working on an application in which some API gives the same supposed low-level response again and again then at that time there is no need to hit the API every time. So, to overcome this we store that data in some storage for eg: we use SharedPrefs(For storing low-level data) at Continue Reading »
Mobile UX Design -ListView, GridView and Gradient
ListView is the Flutter widget commonly used scrolling widget, It displays children one after another in a scrolling page. children scrolling on the main axis and also it has to fill the cross axis of the listview. If the item value is non-null the item auto adjust in a scrolling way, Specifying an item extension Continue Reading »
Flutter Payment Integration
Nowadays every business is coming online to reach their customers easily and also increase the number of customers. So, for working everything smoothly businesses are trying to make everything digital and then the payment method comes into play. Every business handles their customers by their website or by their mobile applications and if we talk Continue Reading »
A Practical Guide for Responsive UI Design
What is responsive design? It is a design that adapts with device size. It means it is equally easy and usable at all screen sizes. Screen sizes can range from as small as a smartwatch to as big as a TV. There can be numerous screen sizes in between but it depends on your user Continue Reading »
Layouts in Flutter
The main concept of the Flutter framework is with the famous saying, “In Flutter, Everything is a widget”. So we can say that flutter assumes everything as a widget. Starting from Image, Icon, text, or layout too in an app, is a widget. Even the things which we don’t see in-app, are also widgets like Continue Reading »
Tailwind CSS
Tailwind: Tailwind is the CSS framework that is used for developing unique designs. Tailwind does not work like other CSS frameworks like Bootstrap and materializes it doesn’t come with predefined components. Tailwind provides you with a set of CSS helper classes with the help of these classes you can create custom designs. Why do we Continue Reading »
JSX – JavaScript XML
JSX stands for JavaScript Extension or JavaScript XML. JSX is the HTML-like syntax that is used by React components to render in the browser. “React doesn’t require using JSX, but most people find it helpful as a visual aid when working with UI inside the JavaScript code. It also allows React to show more useful error and Continue Reading »
Jetpack Compose
If you are an android developer then surely you are making your UI in an XML file and then attach it to the java file or Kotlin file using the setContentView() method. So, to overcome this separation android provides the new feature which is “Jetpack compose”. With the help of the jetpack compose library we Continue Reading »
Bottom Navigation Bar
A material widget that appears at the bottom of an app and allows users to choose from three to five different views. Multiple objects in the form of text marks, icons, or both are laid out on top of a piece of material in the bottom navigation bar. It allows users to quickly navigate Continue Reading »
Laravel Task Scheduling
To manage scheduled tasks on the server, a fresh approach is offered by Laravel’s command scheduler. The scheduler permits you to boldly and uniformly outline your command scheduled in the Laravel application. Solely a single Cron entry is required, while using the scheduler, on your server. Task scheduler is outlined within the app/console/Kernel.php file’s Continue Reading »