Category Archives: Java Application

JavaScript Arrays

An array is a linear data structure and collection of items stored at a contiguous memory location. Pairs of square brackets [ ] represent an array and all elements are comma (,) separated. An Array can hold multiple values(elements) of any type i.e (String, Number, Boolean, objects, and even other Arrays ) under a single Continue Reading »

HOISTING IN JAVASCRIPT (Variables & Function)

A Person with another programming background is definitely confused with hoisting in Javascript. So let’s deep dive into the hoisting in javascript The Javascript engine creates the global execution context when we execute a piece of Javascript code. Global Execution Context has two phases : (i) Creation Phase (ii) Execution Phase Definition: During the creation Continue Reading »

Recursion vs Dynamic Programming — Fibonacci

Introduction of Recursion and Dynamic Programming: Recursion is the process in which a function calls itself until the base cases are reached. And during the process, complex situations will be traced recursively and become simpler and simpler. The whole structure of the process is tree-like. Recursion does not store any value until reaching the final Continue Reading »


What is Express.js? Express.js is a Node.js framework that is the most popular framework. It is a web application framework that provides you with a single API to build websites, web apps, and the back end.  Why do we actually need Express.js? How is it useful for us to use Node.js? Node.js is all about Continue Reading »

Annotations in Java

Annotations are used to provide metadata about class or method in java and can be used while compiling the program. Annotations were introduced in Java 1.5 version. Before that, we had an XML file for configuration. We write annotations with the ‘@’ sign, for example, @Override annotation. Here ‘@’ sign tells the compiler about the Continue Reading »

Destructuring in JavaScript

The Destructuring introduced new features of ES6.JavaScript provides a mechanism to handle the array and properties of objects in a much more innovative way. this mechanism is called destructuring. destructuring means implies a complex structure into the simpler parts. Destructuring allows us to extract multiple properties from an object or an Array. It is a Continue Reading »

Latest Features Of Java 16

Latest Features Of Java 16

  Java is one of the most powerful programming languages in the software world. Recently, Java 16, the latest version of Java has been released on 16th March 2021. Oracle announced the availability of Java 16 (JDK 16) with 17 new enhancements to the platform. This latest Java Development Kit release comes with language enhancements, new tools, and improved Continue Reading »

Spring Boot Multiple Database Configuration

Sometimes it’s our application requirement to deal with multiple databases. Spring Boot helps us to configure multiple databases in a single application. This blog will help to configure multiple datasources into a spring boot application. To use multiple DataSources, let’s add the following details in the property file. Here we configured ‘foo’ datasource and ‘bar’ Continue Reading »

Versioning your API

Versioning of APIs is a decent practice. Versioning helps make your API more adaptable and versatile to changes while keeping the functionality intact. It also helps you manage changes to the code better and more easily revert back to old code if the new code causes problems. You ought to have an alternate form of Continue Reading »

How to configure swagger in Spring Boot Application?

Swagger is a tool which is used to develop APIs, interact with APIs, document APIs and test APIs. The main application of swagger is to document and test the APIs.  Now the question is why  we need to document APIs? So when you develop an API, you need to provide some information(end-points, response codes, request-response Continue Reading »

CCAvenue Payment Gateway Integraton in Website using Java

CCAvenue Payment Gateway Integration in Website using Java

Introduction Today, many business owners have understood the importance of doing business over the web. They have realized the benefits of having an online presence. And, that is the reason why ‘E-commerce, Brick and Click’ kind of businesses are growing exponentially. People, today, are paying developers more than ever to have a website or mobile Continue Reading »

controller, restcontroller, spring boot

Difference Between the @Controller and @RestController

Spring Framework introduced @Controller and @RestController annotations to create a controller. Basically, the controller is used to handling the client requests for a particular resource. For example This request goes to dispatcher servlet then it will be forwarded to controller corresponding methods with that URL mapping If you create your controller using @Controller annotation Continue Reading »