CCAvenue Payment Gateway Integraton in Website using Java

CCAvenue Payment Gateway Integration in Website using Java

Introduction Today, many business owners have understood the importance of doing business over the web. They have realized the benefits of having an online presence. And, that is the reason why ‘E-commerce, Brick and Click’ kind of businesses are growing exponentially. People, today, are paying developers more than ever to have a website or mobile Continue Reading »

Working of React Portals

ReactJS is one of the most powerful Javascript frameworks out there. It has a lot of small features that help build amazing user interfaces. React Portals is one such feature. They were introduced in version 16.0 of React. React Portals are the child elements that won’t stay with the parent root node. The use cases Continue Reading »

Capture Image on Eye Blink

Capture Image on Eye Blink

The Mobile Vision API provides a framework for recognizing objects in photos and videos. The framework includes detectors, which locate and describe visual objects in images or video frames, and an event-driven API that tracks the position of those objects in video. The objects that can be tracked by Mobile Vision API include facial features, text Continue Reading »

Fire base Environment

Multiple Firebase Environments(GoogleService-Info.plist) in iOS

A common scenario in application development is to have different environments, such as Debug, QA, Production… can be resolve via Multiple Firebase Environments. Requirement of having Multiple Firebase Environments : While your app is in development mode, or while it is being tested by the QA department, some “data pollution” could reach Firebase servers. Imagine your application is going to use Firebase Continue Reading »

Build and Deployment Configuration Flavors in React Native

At the point when you don’t have a server-side programming foundation, environment variables can appear to be a touch of enchantment. That absence of information smacks you in the face when you’re finished making todo applications on your localhost and attempt to make a production build for the application. The issue we’re illuminating:  Step by Continue Reading »

MobX in React

MobX is the new upcoming state management solution. This blog is all about how to create a simple React-Native app using MobX. MobX is fast in speed than Redux, its easier to learn & requires less boilerplate code. Here are some of its main concepts Stores: Stores create data sources. A store is basically an Continue Reading »

Geolocation, Geocoding Blog

How to use Geolocation, Geocoding in React Native Apps?

In this post, we will learn, How to implement Geolocation in your App? Geolocation will find your current location and Geocoding gives your address (like City Name, Street Name, etc) by Coordinates (Latitude and Longitude). What is Geolocation? The most famous and familiar location feature — Geolocation is the ability to track a device using Continue Reading »


Understanding Of React Fiber Architecture

React v16.0 was released with an update to react core algorithm. This new core architecture is named “Fiber”. Facebook has completely rewritten the internals of React from the ground-up while keeping the public API essentially unchanged, in simple terms it means only changing the engine of a running car. With this release, some new features Continue Reading »

Android 8.0 Behavior Changes

Android 8.0 Behavior Changes

Introduction: As everyone knows, a lot of changes made after API level 26 for optimizing Android system’s performance, the battery uses and other system-level problems which I am writing below: 1- Changes in Service. 2- Changes in Broadcast Reciever. 3- Changes in Push Notification 1-Changes in Broadcast Reciever: So before understanding the changes in broadcast receiver let’s Continue Reading »

dSYM File Error

Firebase Crashlytics Integration In iOS Swift (dSYM File Required Problem Resolved)

Introduction: Nowadays, Firebase Crashlytics is a very important part of our projects to monitor crashes of our applications that may be an android or iOS application. For the time being it is an unbeatable tool to log your day to day crashes for each user of your application. It provides good documentation and step by Continue Reading »

How prototype works in java script

How Prototype Works in JavaScript?

By default, every function has a property called prototype this property by default is empty and you can add properties and methods to it and when you create an object from this function. The object inherits its properties and methods. It has been often confusing to the beginners “How Prototype Works in Javascript” and with this, you will also get the Continue Reading »

OpenID connect Authentication with OAuth2 Authorization

OpenID connect Authentication with OAuth2.0 Authorization

In the previous decade, Open Authorization (OAuth) has emerged as an industry-standard protocol for authorization. Today, almost, every web application, mobile application uses OAuth 2.0(latest version of OAuth) for Authorization. According to Wikipedia, OAuth 2.0 is an open standard for delegated Authorization. It’s usually used as a method for Internet users to get their websites Continue Reading »

AWS EC2 How to Launch an Instance and Host a Website

In this tutorial, we will learn How to launch an EC2 Server which will be Ubuntu Linux Virtual Server and host a website by serving index.html. What is AWS? Amazon Web Services(AWS) is an subsidiary which offers cloud-computing services at very affordable rates, therefore making its customer base. Key AWS Services are EC2, RDS, Continue Reading »

Offline Content Storage and Sync with Server when Modified

What is If-Modified-Since? The smart and efficient way to get images, icons and more from your server. If-Modified-Since is an HTTP header Which is sent to the server as a condition. If the content has been changed on the server, then the server responds with 200 status code with the whole requested document. Else If Continue Reading »

Paytm Integration in Swift

This blog is about how to integrate Paytm with the iOS App. Steps to integrate paytm via SDK 1. Import the library : A library can be imported by two process : a) Via pods Add pod ‘Paytm-Payments’ in the pod file. Run ‘pod install’ from terminal. Now open the xcworkspace Go to “Link Binary With Continue Reading »

controller, restcontroller, spring boot

Difference Between the @Controller and @RestController

Spring Framework introduced @Controller and @RestController annotations to create a controller. Basically, the controller is used to handling the client requests for a particular resource. For example This request goes to dispatcher servlet then it will be forwarded to controller corresponding methods with that URL mapping If you create your controller using @Controller annotation Continue Reading »