Category Archives: Mobile

Currying in JavaScript

Currying is a task that takes one argument at a time and brings back a new task awaiting the next argument. It is a modification of functions that translate function from callable as f (a, b, c) to f (a)(b)(c). In this article, we will look at what currying is in Javascript, why you should Continue Reading »

Hoisting in javaScript

Hoisting is a phenomenon in javaScript by which you can access variables and functions even before you have initialized them or you have put some value on them. you can access it without any error. Hoisting allows functions to be safely used in code before they are declared. for Example: var x=7; function getName(){ console.log(“hoisting Continue Reading »

SDLC & Models

What is Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)? Step by step process of developing an application is known as SDLC. SDLC is a process used by the software industry to design, develop and test high-quality software. Purpose of SDLC It aims to produce quality software that meets customer expectations and reaches completion within time & budget. SDLC Continue Reading »

Triggers in MySQL

A trigger is a stored program that gets invoked automatically whenever any event such as insertion, update, or deletion occurs in a table. For instance, whenever we add a new row or delete a row, we can define a trigger that gets triggered automatically through which we can be assured of the proper happenings of Continue Reading »

What is Github?

Github is a code hosting platform that lets you and others work on the same project simultaneously. Github is the largest community of Developers where anyone can contribute to the project. By making a separate branch of the code a dedicated area is assigned to the developer so that there won’t be any clash between Continue Reading »

Higher-Order Components

Higher-Order Components are what they sound like. A function that takes a component and returns a replacement component is an example of a higher-order component. Higher-Order Components in React may be a pattern that stems from React’s nature, which favors composition over inheritance. Consider the following scenario: In the preceding example, a higher-order component could Continue Reading »

SonarQube Code Review Tool

Basic Documentation SonarQube is an automatic code review tool to detect bugs, vulnerabilities, and code smells in your code. It can integrate with your existing workflow to enable continuous code inspection across your project branches and pull requests. Overview In a typical development process: Developers develop and merge code in an IDE (preferably using SonarLint Continue Reading »

MongoDB Atlas

MongoDB Atlas is a fully managed cloud database for modern applications.MongoDB Atlas is a cloud that provides MongoDB document model is the fastest way to innovate, bringing flexibility and ease of use to the database. It is easy to build fast, relevant, full-text search capabilities on top of your MongoDB data. MongoDB Atlas makes it Continue Reading »


CSS Grid is a powerful tool that allows for two-dimensional textures to be built on the web. This guide is designed as a tool to help you better understand and read the Grid, and is organized in a way that I think makes a lot of sense as you read. Grid Container    Create a grid Continue Reading »

SQL vs MongoDB

Introduction SQL (Structured Query Language) may be a programing language that’s wont to conduct operations on database records, like updating, inserting, deleting, and creating and altering database tables and views. SQL may be a command language instead of a database system. Assume you would like to use the SQL language to run queries on the database’s data. Any direction system, like Oracle, MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, DB2, and others must be Continue Reading »


HealthKit is a framework that is provided by apple that helps us in getting and managing user health-related data in a very easy and convenient way. We can integrate HealthKit in any application just by a grant the application to get access to the HealthKit data. so, the user data was easily available to that Continue Reading »


Flexbox – This term is also called the Flexible-Box which was introduced in 2009. It is a CSS3 Layout that provides a way to arrange items within a container, basically, it is a flexible container with several properties namely width, height position, etc. If you’ve used CSS for a while you have probably been using Continue Reading »

Flutter Layouts

Layouts in Flutter

The main concept of the Flutter framework is with the famous saying, “In Flutter, Everything is a widget”. So we can say that flutter assumes everything as a widget. Starting from Image, Icon, text, or layout too in an app, is a widget. Even the things which we don’t see in-app, are also widgets like Continue Reading »

Media Query

Some applications must adjust their layout depending on system configuration in order to have the best user interface. To get the current system details in Flutter, we can use MediaQuery. Creates a subtree where media queries are resolved to the specified data. For example, you can read the MediaQueryData. size property from the MediaQueryData returned Continue Reading »

Upload dSYM file manually into Firebase for crashlytics

Most of you would be familiar with Firebase integration in your apps, Firebase helps developers by producing human-readable crash reports. But sometimes, this fails due to dSYM files uploading failure. Debug Symbol files (dSYM) files are required by Firebase Crashlytics to give the app developers a human-readable crash report on its console. These dSYM files Continue Reading »

Smoke VS Sanity

Smoke Testing: Whenever a new feature comes into the picture, we perform Smoke Testing to make sure all basic and critical feature is not affected by present code changes and application is working fine. Smoke testing is also known as Build verification Testing and Confidence testing, where we provide acceptance of build with no blocker Continue Reading »

Performance testing challenges and How to overcome them

What is performance testing? In software development lifecycle (SDLC), software testing plays an important role along with software development. We have various types of testing in which Performance testing is one of the most important types of testing which ensures that our software performs stably under varying load conditions. Performance testing belongs to the non-functional Continue Reading »

SSL pinning with public key using TrustKit

In today’s advance environment, everybody will be comfortable with automation rather than applying manual efforts. With Trustkit, one can easily validate the certificate’s public key by typing only a few lines of codes and also, it comes with extra functionalities like reporting or fallback public keys. Step 1: Extracting the public key of the certificate Continue Reading »

Android in-app Purchases

Introduction: At some point, we need to earn revenue through our application. We can monetize our application for removing ads, selling physical goods, providing some enhanced functionality to users. We can follow different monetization strategies that depend upon our application. Using Google Play Billing:  According to android documentations- You can use Google Play’s billing system Continue Reading »

Design Pattern

MVC Design Pattern(Model View Controller) After developing the complex application it is very tough to manage the application, so the stable app we want it to be, we use design pattern so any developer can easily understand the code any easy change the code according to need MVC firstly comes picture in design pattern The Continue Reading »

Testing via Charles proxy

Charles Proxy is a cross-platform HTTP debugging proxy server application written in Java. It acts as a middleman between the local computer and the internet. It enables the user to view HTTP, HTTPS and enabled TCP port traffic accessed via the local computer.  It simply enables the user to view/ monitor network calls and helps Continue Reading »

Swift Generics

Generics are simple yet one of the most powerful features of Swift programming language. Generic code enables us to write flexible and reusable functions that can work with any data type. Most of the Swift standard library is written using generics code. We have been using generic in our projects for a long time without Continue Reading »

How to do SSL pinning via public key

What is  SSL ? SSL stands for Secure Socket Layer. It is a protocol for establishing secure data transfer between networked computers or servers. Need For SSL- Many developers assume that using HTTPS in a network layer is enough to be sure that user data transfer will be fully secured and not compromised by a Man-in-the-Middle Continue Reading »