Tag Archives: InnovationM

API Testing Guidebook

API Testing Guidebook

What is API ? API stands for Application programming Interface, it is a mediator which is present between the presentation layer and the Database layer. API enables the communication and the data transfer between the two channels. API is a business logic, which is written by the developer in any programming language to perform the Continue Reading »

Exploring the Power of NestJS

Exploring the Power of NestJS

In the ever-evolving landscape of web application development, choosing the right framework for your backend can make all the difference. One such framework that has been gaining significant attention and popularity is NestJS. With its unique blend of modern JavaScript and TypeScript features, as well as its modular architecture inspired by Angular, NestJS has quickly Continue Reading »

VelocityX in Flutter

VelocityX is a completely free, open-source framework developed for minimising UI development efforts and time. It makes flutter UI development a lot easier and joyful for the developers. The official documentation mentions that this framework is built on top of Flutter SDK. VelocityX provides multiple widgets, shortcuts and utilities to rapidly build custom UI designs. Continue Reading »

Developing Android Library

Why is there a need to develop a library? Well, developing libraries help use their feature in many applications. You must have seen its live example in forms of payment gateway, chat library, retrofit, butterknife and many more. Creating a library in Android is effortless. Android library compiles into AAR file which also provides you Continue Reading »


Introduction to JMeter The Apache JMeter is 100% pure open-source software, You can use JMeter to analyze and measure the performance of web applications or different services. Performance Testing means checking the speed of web applications in different situations by increasing the number of users(heavy load) at a time, multiple and concurrent user traffic. JMeter is designed for testing Continue Reading »

Media Query

Some applications must adjust their layout depending on system configuration in order to have the best user interface. To get the current system details in Flutter, we can use MediaQuery. Creates a subtree where media queries are resolved to the specified data. For example, you can read the MediaQueryData. size property from the MediaQueryData returned Continue Reading »

Bug Life Cycle

“Good software is like a wine, it takes time”. We know that during the development of any software product the development teams follow the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) processes. But its development process is not so easy.  During the development process when a product is being developed different types of defects or bugs arise Continue Reading »

iOS Force Update

In iOS apps, it’s important that developers create a way to check the user’s app version and force the user to update the app. This solution not only requires code handling at the app level but also in the app backend. This solution will help in migrating all users to new functionality smoothly.   The default Continue Reading »

FCM Notifications with 26+

Firebase cloud messaging is a cross-platform messaging solution from which one can notify clients about new emails and engage users with the App at no cost. This blog assumes that you have linked firebase to your android project. Let’s begin with the prerequisites: Update or install the latest version of Android Studio  Targets API level Continue Reading »

Nearby Connection API

Nearby connections is a peer-to-peer networking API that allows apps to easily connect, discover and exchange data with the nearby device in real-time, regardless of network connectivity. In other words, we can say that Nearby connections enable advertising, discovery and connection between nearby devices in a fully offline peer-to-peer manner. The connection between devices is Continue Reading »

Load Testing

“Load Testing”, the term itself clears a little bit of understanding of what Load Testing refers to. It refers to the testing of Load that is applied to the application or the product to verify if our application/product is capable of bearing a load on our application servers. Now, we will look into answering the Continue Reading »

Levels of Testing

Introduction: Testing levels means testing a software application on different levels when it goes through the development process. As the use of software increasing rapidly in every field and to provide a good quality of software, continuously testing at different levels is necessary. The main purpose of testing at different levels is to make software Continue Reading »

Database Testing

What is Checking a Database? A database is nothing but a structured data array that includes data storage and helps to manipulate data. Database checking refers to the testing of the data we have collected in the database. We need to check the data in the database and ensure that the right data set is Continue Reading »

Rest API in Flutter

If you have worked on mobile app development, you probably would have heard about API. API in a mobile app is required to allow users to communicate with other applications. This can be a backend server developed by you or even by any other company like Facebook, Google etc. REST API follows REST protocol and Continue Reading »

MultiThreading in iOS

MultiThreading – Multithreading means multiple tasks at the same time and the tasks which are being executed on what are Threads. Or we can say – In our app when we try to execute multiple tasks at the same time then our app UI will freeze because our mobile-only has 1 CPU. So we can Continue Reading »

Changes in XCode 12 and iOS 14

WWDC,2020 which was held in June this year. Apple has announced all the new features and improvements that will be available for the developers all around the globe. As expected, many new features and advancements were rolled out. This has created a lot of excitement in the developer’s community. I will discuss the changes made Continue Reading »

Upload dSYM file manually into Firebase for crashlytics

Most of you would be familiar with Firebase integration in your apps, Firebase helps developers by producing human-readable crash reports. But sometimes, this fails due to dSYM files uploading failure. Debug Symbol files (dSYM) files are required by Firebase Crashlytics to give the app developers a human-readable crash report on its console. These dSYM files Continue Reading »


Ques: Why we use the Dynamic link? Ans: We use Firebase Dynamic links instead of Deep Link Because there is a limitation in the deep link that is when we click on an url & if we have not installed that app then the link is not working, in other words, it is only working Continue Reading »

Penetration Testing Overview

Penetration testing is used to detect vulnerabilities present in the system in order to protect the sensitive data from the attackers who try to exploit the vulnerabilities present in the system. It basically determines the weak areas for any intruder to attack. This is required majorly when updating the system or adding new network infrastructure. Continue Reading »

JMeter-Performance Testing

Apache JMeter is a tool that can be used for load testing to analyse and measure the performance of web applications, mobile applications, HTTP requests, web services, database etc. JMeter simulates the number of users to send requests to the target server and records the stats in various available formats to analyse the performance. Simply Continue Reading »

Swift Memory Safety

  Memory Safety in Swift  Swift monitors risky behaviour that may occur in the code. For example, Swift ensures that variables are introduced before they’re utilized, likewise, memory isn’t accessed once its deallocated, and array indices are checked for out-of-bounds errors. Swift additionally guarantees that multiple access to a similar region of memory doesn’t conflict, Continue Reading »

Smoke VS Sanity

Smoke Testing: Whenever a new feature comes into the picture, we perform Smoke Testing to make sure all basic and critical feature is not affected by present code changes and application is working fine. Smoke testing is also known as Build verification Testing and Confidence testing, where we provide acceptance of build with no blocker Continue Reading »