Tag Archives: blog

Role of equal() and hashCode Methods()

In Java, HashMap is a widely used data structure that stores elements in key-value pairs. It provides constant-time performance for basic operations like adding, removing, and accessing elements. The implementation of HashMap relies heavily on the equals and hashCode methods, which are used to ensure the uniqueness of keys and the efficiency of lookup operations. Continue Reading »

Generating Java Code from Open API

Introduction:-  Open API (open application programming interface) Open API Generator can generate code based on an Open API yaml specification. We can generate request models, response models, and controllers of API. Following are the steps to create java code from Open API:- Step 1:-Create a yaml file for your API By using this Swagger.io, below Continue Reading »

Closure in Javascript

As per the definition of Javascript Developer, Closure is defined as the combination of a function bundled together (enclosed) with references to its surrounding state (the lexical environment). But what is meant by the terms “enclosed”, “surrounding state“, and lexical environment? No need to worry, we’ll discuss their terms and closure in this article with Continue Reading »


How Liquibase Works? Liquibase is used to track database changes. It is an Open Source Library. We all have worked in systems where the typical database change operation process was to write DDL, and DML scripts in SQL lines which were source-controlled, and database changes were executed by the developer or by some other team. Continue Reading »

Carina Framework

Carina Open Source Testing Tools : Carina is a Java-based test automation framework that unites all testing layers: Mobile applications (web, native, hybrid), WEB applications, REST services, and Databases. Pros ● Carina Framework is built on top of the most popular open-source solutions like Selenium, Appium, and TestNG allowing to reduce dependence on the specific Continue Reading »

Java 8 Features

 Figure 1:Features of Java 8 JAVA 8 is one of the major feature releases of “JAVA programming language” development. It is one of the revolutionary releases of the development of software platforms. The initial version of Java 8 was released on 18 March 2014. It is responsible for upgrading Java programming,  tools, JVM, and libraries. Continue Reading »

Depth First Search (DFS) – Graph Traversal

Table of contents Definition Conceptual Implementation Java Code & Explanation Applications of DFS   Definition Depth First Search (DFS) is an algorithm for traversing Graph Data Structure. The algorithm starts at some arbitrary node in the graph and explores as far as possible along each branch before backtracking. Stack Data structure is needed to keep Continue Reading »

JavaScript Arrays

An array is a linear data structure and collection of items stored at a contiguous memory location. Pairs of square brackets [ ] represent an array and all elements are comma (,) separated. An Array can hold multiple values(elements) of any type i.e (String, Number, Boolean, objects, and even other Arrays ) under a single Continue Reading »

HOISTING IN JAVASCRIPT (Variables & Function)

A Person with another programming background is definitely confused with hoisting in Javascript. So let’s deep dive into the hoisting in javascript The Javascript engine creates the global execution context when we execute a piece of Javascript code. Global Execution Context has two phases : (i) Creation Phase (ii) Execution Phase Definition: During the creation Continue Reading »

Access Modifiers in Java

Introduction: In Java, we have to deal with classes, methods, variables, etc. Let’s suppose we have a class and we need to use variables or methods in different classes/packages. OR we want to specify that a variable or method will be accessed within a defined area. To manage the accessibility of any variables, methods, or Continue Reading »

What is Performance Testing?

So performance testing is one of the most important phases of any product launch as it verifies and validates the overall product performance. Performance Testing can be done in different forms depending upon the resource availability and the type and volume of the user base. The main agenda behind conducting performance testing on any product Continue Reading »

Recursion vs Dynamic Programming — Fibonacci

Introduction of Recursion and Dynamic Programming: Recursion is the process in which a function calls itself until the base cases are reached. And during the process, complex situations will be traced recursively and become simpler and simpler. The whole structure of the process is tree-like. Recursion does not store any value until reaching the final Continue Reading »


What is Express.js? Express.js is a Node.js framework that is the most popular framework. It is a web application framework that provides you with a single API to build websites, web apps, and the back end.  Why do we actually need Express.js? How is it useful for us to use Node.js? Node.js is all about Continue Reading »