Android in-app Purchases

Introduction: At some point, we need to earn revenue through our application. We can monetize our application for removing ads, selling physical goods, providing some enhanced functionality to users. We can follow different monetization strategies that depend upon our application. Using Google Play Billing:  According to android documentations- You can use Google Play’s billing system Continue Reading »


Q= What is multithreading? Multithreading is the most important concept, every developer must know about them. When we try to execute multiple tasks at the same time then our Ui get stuck and wait for another task to be completed. Because our iPhone has only one CPU and it can perform only one operation at Continue Reading »

Versioning your API

Versioning of APIs is a decent practice. Versioning helps make your API more adaptable and versatile to changes while keeping the functionality intact. It also helps you manage changes to the code better and more easily revert back to old code if the new code causes problems. You ought to have an alternate form of Continue Reading »

S3 Bucket

Introduction: An Amazon S3 bucket is a public cloud storage resource available in Amazon Web Services’ (AWS). S3 stands for Simple Storage Service (S3) and it is an object storage offering. Amazon S3 buckets, which are similar to file folders, store objects which consist of data and its descriptive metadata. Amazon S3 provides a web Continue Reading »

Design Pattern

MVC Design Pattern(Model View Controller) After developing the complex application it is very tough to manage the application, so the stable app we want it to be, we use design pattern so any developer can easily understand the code any easy change the code according to need MVC firstly comes picture in design pattern The Continue Reading »

Testing via Charles proxy

Charles Proxy is a cross-platform HTTP debugging proxy server application written in Java. It acts as a middleman between the local computer and the internet. It enables the user to view HTTP, HTTPS and enabled TCP port traffic accessed via the local computer.  It simply enables the user to view/ monitor network calls and helps Continue Reading »

Work Manager

What is WorkManager? WorkManager is one of the Android Architecture Component and part of Android Jetpack. WorkManager is an Android library that runs deferrable background work when the work’s constraints are satisfied. WorkManager allows you to schedule work to run one- time or repeatedly using flexible scheduling windows. How to use WorkManager? Step 1: In Continue Reading »

Swift Generics

Generics are simple yet one of the most powerful features of Swift programming language. Generic code enables us to write flexible and reusable functions that can work with any data type. Most of the Swift standard library is written using generics code. We have been using generic in our projects for a long time without Continue Reading »

MVVM Architecture Advantage – Android

For a good application developer whether android or iOS should follow an architecture to build a project. The better the architecture the better will be the code structure and better will be its readability. If you don’t follow any architecture then start following one.  In this blog, we will focus on the Android platform. There Continue Reading »

android offline handling innovationm blog

Android Offline Handling

Android offline handling basically represents the local storage data handling when there is no internet connection to get the basic required information. If not handled, the screen will be out of data and result in a blank screen which ultimately affects the UI experience. There are two ways to handle local data : NoSql  SQL Continue Reading »

Deno Land

Deno is a simple, modern, and secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript that uses V8 and is built in Rust based on the Tokio platform (which provides the asynchronous runtime needed by JavaScript), still running Google’s V8 engine Deno is created by the same person Ryan Dahl as node.js was, Deno is there to fix Continue Reading »

How to do SSL pinning via public key

What is  SSL ? SSL stands for Secure Socket Layer. It is a protocol for establishing secure data transfer between networked computers or servers. Need For SSL- Many developers assume that using HTTPS in a network layer is enough to be sure that user data transfer will be fully secured and not compromised by a Man-in-the-Middle Continue Reading »

How to configure swagger in Spring Boot Application?

Swagger is a tool which is used to develop APIs, interact with APIs, document APIs and test APIs. The main application of swagger is to document and test the APIs.  Now the question is why  we need to document APIs? So when you develop an API, you need to provide some information(end-points, response codes, request-response Continue Reading »

Mobile App development Company UK

Custom & Filterable Adapter

Code optimization is one of the most core features of a good developer. As far as Android developers are concerned the better the optimised code the better is the performance. Every time creating a new separate class for each adapter for a simple RecyclerView makes the code redundant.  Create a new adapter class  Extend with Continue Reading »

Introduction to useReducer in React Hooks

React Hooks are newly introduced in React version 16.8.0. Hooks are meant to allow react functional components to work as stateful components. The most commonly used hooks are useState and useEffect hooks. Today we will discuss useReducer hook, which is a more powerful functional hook to replace multiple useState hooks in an efficient and optimize Continue Reading »

Blutooth API Basic Data Transfer

How To Use Android Bluetooth API For Basic Data Transfer From One Device To Another Device

Introduction: Bluetooth: The Android platform supports Bluetooth connection, which allows us to exchange data with other Bluetooth devices. The application framework provides Bluetooth related functionality through the Android Bluetooth APIs.All of the Bluetooth APIs are available in the Android Bluetooth package. There are two types of Bluetooth in Android Classic Bluetooth and Bluetooth devices with Continue Reading »

Regression Testing

Regression Testing

Introduction: Testing is an essential component of the software life cycle, to develop efficient software which doesn’t misbehave at any point of time, you must have gone through different types of testing. To ensure the performance and behavior of software there are some important testing namely Smoke Testing, Sanity Testing, and Regression Testing, and so Continue Reading »