Material UI - Blog

What is Material-UI?

INTRODUCTION Here we will discuss material-UI  What is it?  Why are people using it and how do we set it up in our next react application? So if you didn’t hear of it before, then it’s time to learn some of its major applications. We will create some buttons, headers, and other useful components and Continue Reading »

Create Tests in Postman

  Postman is an API client that helps to create, share, test, and document APIs.  This is done by allowing users to create and save HTTP requests and their responses. An overview of a simple request in Postman would look something like this Where it has Request URL Parameters Authorization  Request Headers Request Body & Continue Reading »

Flutter & SQL

SQLite Database in Flutter

  If you are working on an application in which some API gives the same supposed low-level response again and again then at that time there is no need to hit the API every time. So, to overcome this we store that data in some storage for eg: we use SharedPrefs(For storing low-level data) at Continue Reading »

Flutter Payment

Flutter Payment Integration

Nowadays every business is coming online to reach their customers easily and also increase the number of customers. So, for working everything smoothly businesses are trying to make everything digital and then the payment method comes into play. Every business handles their customers by their website or by their mobile applications and if we talk Continue Reading »

Flutter Layouts

Layouts in Flutter

The main concept of the Flutter framework is with the famous saying, “In Flutter, Everything is a widget”. So we can say that flutter assumes everything as a widget. Starting from Image, Icon, text, or layout too in an app, is a widget. Even the things which we don’t see in-app, are also widgets like Continue Reading »

Tailwind CSS

Tailwind CSS

Tailwind: Tailwind is the CSS framework that is used for developing unique designs. Tailwind does not work like other CSS frameworks like Bootstrap and materializes it doesn’t come with predefined components. Tailwind provides you with a set of CSS helper classes with the help of these classes you can create custom designs. Why do we Continue Reading »


JSX – JavaScript XML

JSX stands for JavaScript Extension or JavaScript XML. JSX is the HTML-like syntax that is used by React components to render in the browser. “React doesn’t require using JSX, but most people find it helpful as a visual aid when working with UI inside the JavaScript code. It also allows React to show more useful error and Continue Reading »

Jetpack compose

Jetpack Compose

If you are an android developer then surely you are making your UI in an XML file and then attach it to the java file or Kotlin file using the setContentView() method. So, to overcome this separation android provides the new feature which is “Jetpack compose”. With the help of the jetpack compose library we Continue Reading »

Bottom Navigation Bar

  A material widget that appears at the bottom of an app and allows users to choose from three to five different views. Multiple objects in the form of text marks, icons, or both are laid out on top of a piece of material in the bottom navigation bar.  It allows users to quickly navigate Continue Reading »

Laravel Task Scheduling

Laravel Task Scheduling

  To manage scheduled tasks on the server, a fresh approach is offered by Laravel’s command scheduler. The scheduler permits you to boldly and uniformly outline your command scheduled in the Laravel application. Solely a single Cron entry is required, while using the scheduler, on your server. Task scheduler is outlined within the app/console/Kernel.php file’s Continue Reading »



Today we are going to discuss how we implement the swipe gesture in react native with the cell of the flat list and section list component in order to do some actions like update to-do and delete some data entry. It renders with its children within a panel and this component allows the children to Continue Reading »

Android Architecture

Android architecture is defined as the, A Guide to android app architecture with libraries for a different task, it helps us to create an app that is robust, testable, maintainable, and has less boilerplate code, Architecture component is part of Android jetpack Android jetpack is collection of android software component like data binding, lifecycles, livedata, Continue Reading »

Laravel Eloquent

Laravel Eloquent

  The Eloquent ORM included with Laravel gives a wonderful, basic ActiveRecord usage for working along with your database. With eloquent, each table in the database corporate a comparing “Model” that does utilize to connect with that table.  The model permits you to insert, update and delete the records from the table to recover or Continue Reading »

Mobile app trends

7 Key Mobile App Development Trends to Watch Out for in 2021

  The mobile application development industry is evolving like a whirlwind. If you want a business to survive this digital storm, you need to stay up-to-date with the latest mobile application development trends. Nowadays, mobile apps have become fundamental to transform business models and marketplaces. This dynamic digital world is evolving faster; famous applications that Continue Reading »

Vue.js Lifecycle

Vue js Lifecycle – Vue.js

What is Vue js Vue js is a front-end JavaScript framework for building the user interface and single-page applications Vue js lifecycle lifecycle hooks are methods that give you the opportunity to add code at specific stages. There are eight lifecycles in Vue js beforeCreate created beforeMount mounted beforeUpdate Updated BeforeDestroy Destroyed   beforeCreate() This Continue Reading »


Client: It is a computer hardware device or software that accesses a service made available by a server. The server is often located on a separate physical computer. Server: It’s a physical computer dedicated to run services to serve the needs of other computers. Depending upon the service that’s running, it could be a file Continue Reading »

Content Provider in Android

Content Provider in Android

A content provider manages access to a central repository of data. A provider is part of an Android application, which often provides its own UI for working with the data. However, content providers are primarily intended to be used by other applications, which access the provider using a provider-client object. How to use a Content Continue Reading »

VelocityX in Flutter

VelocityX is a completely free, open-source framework developed for minimising UI development efforts and time. It makes flutter UI development a lot easier and joyful for the developers. The official documentation mentions that this framework is built on top of Flutter SDK. VelocityX provides multiple widgets, shortcuts and utilities to rapidly build custom UI designs. Continue Reading »

Developing Android Library

Why is there a need to develop a library? Well, developing libraries help use their feature in many applications. You must have seen its live example in forms of payment gateway, chat library, retrofit, butterknife and many more. Creating a library in Android is effortless. Android library compiles into AAR file which also provides you Continue Reading »


Introduction to JMeter The Apache JMeter is 100% pure open-source software, You can use JMeter to analyze and measure the performance of web applications or different services. Performance Testing means checking the speed of web applications in different situations by increasing the number of users(heavy load) at a time, multiple and concurrent user traffic. JMeter is designed for testing Continue Reading »

Media Query

Some applications must adjust their layout depending on system configuration in order to have the best user interface. To get the current system details in Flutter, we can use MediaQuery. Creates a subtree where media queries are resolved to the specified data. For example, you can read the MediaQueryData. size property from the MediaQueryData returned Continue Reading »

Bug Life Cycle

“Good software is like a wine, it takes time”. We know that during the development of any software product the development teams follow the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) processes. But its development process is not so easy.  During the development process when a product is being developed different types of defects or bugs arise Continue Reading »

iOS Force Update

In iOS apps, it’s important that developers create a way to check the user’s app version and force the user to update the app. This solution not only requires code handling at the app level but also in the app backend. This solution will help in migrating all users to new functionality smoothly.   The default Continue Reading »

FCM Notifications with 26+

Firebase cloud messaging is a cross-platform messaging solution from which one can notify clients about new emails and engage users with the App at no cost. This blog assumes that you have linked firebase to your android project. Let’s begin with the prerequisites: Update or install the latest version of Android Studio  Targets API level Continue Reading »

Nearby Connection API

Nearby connections is a peer-to-peer networking API that allows apps to easily connect, discover and exchange data with the nearby device in real-time, regardless of network connectivity. In other words, we can say that Nearby connections enable advertising, discovery and connection between nearby devices in a fully offline peer-to-peer manner. The connection between devices is Continue Reading »