React Patterns and Anti-Patterns: Common Mistakes to Avoid

React Patterns and Anti-Patterns: Common Mistakes to Avoid

React Patterns are established solutions to common problems encountered during React development. They are tried and tested approaches that help developers write cleaner, more maintainable, and efficient code. Examples of React patterns include:

Container vs. Presentational Components

Separating logic from presentation for better code organization.

Render Props:  Render props is a technique where a component’s prop is a function that returns React elements. This allows sharing code between components.


  • Enables code reuse without introducing additional component hierarchy or abstraction.
  • It provides a flexible and composable way to share functionality across components.

Higher-Order Components (HOCsExplanation: HOCs are functions that take a component and return a new component with enhanced functionality. They are used to share behavior between components.


  • Encourages code reuse and separation of concerns.
  • HOCs allow developers to add features such as logging, authentication, or data fetching to multiple components without duplicating code.

Controlled Components: Controlled components are React components where form elements like inputs, selects, and textareas are controlled by React state.


  • Provides a single source of truth for form data, making it easier to manipulate and validate user input.
  • It also facilitates easier synchronization between the UI and the component state.

Context API: Context API allows passing data through the component tree without having to pass props down manually at every level. It provides a way to share values like themes, locale preferences, or authenticated user information.


  • Simplifies prop drilling, especially for global data that many components need access to.
  • It promotes cleaner code by reducing the need for passing props through intermediate components.

Anti-Patterns: These are common mistakes or suboptimal solutions that developers might unintentionally fall into. They often lead to code that is difficult to maintain, understand, or scale. Examples of React anti-patterns include:

Massive Components : Components that handle too many responsibilities or contain too much logic become difficult to understand, test, and maintain.

Risks: Decreased code readability, increased complexity, and difficulty in debugging and refactoring.

Mutating State Directly: Directly mutating state, either by modifying state variables directly or using mutable methods, can lead to unexpected behavior and difficult-to-debug issues.

Risks: Inconsistent UI rendering, state updates not triggering re-renders, and potential race conditions in asynchronous code.

Overusing Context: While Context API is powerful, overusing it for all state management needs can lead to a tangled and hard-to-follow component tree.

Risks: Decreased code readability, coupling between components, and potential performance issues due to unnecessary re-renders.

Conditional Rendering in Loops: Rendering components inside loops without providing unique keys, leading to performance issues and incorrect rendering.

Mixing Business Logic with UI Logic: Writing business logic inside components makes them less reusable, harder to test, and violates the principle of separation of concerns.

Risks: Decreased code maintainability, increased coupling between UI and business logic, and difficulty in unit testing components.

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