Category Archives: Mobile

How to configure swagger in Spring Boot Application?

Swagger is a tool which is used to develop APIs, interact with APIs, document APIs and test APIs. The main application of swagger is to document and test the APIs.  Now the question is why  we need to document APIs? So when you develop an API, you need to provide some information(end-points, response codes, request-response Continue Reading »

Mobile App development Company UK

Custom & Filterable Adapter

Code optimization is one of the most core features of a good developer. As far as Android developers are concerned the better the optimised code the better is the performance. Every time creating a new separate class for each adapter for a simple RecyclerView makes the code redundant.  Create a new adapter class  Extend with Continue Reading »

Introduction to useReducer in React Hooks

React Hooks are newly introduced in React version 16.8.0. Hooks are meant to allow react functional components to work as stateful components. The most commonly used hooks are useState and useEffect hooks. Today we will discuss useReducer hook, which is a more powerful functional hook to replace multiple useState hooks in an efficient and optimize Continue Reading »

Blutooth API Basic Data Transfer

How To Use Android Bluetooth API For Basic Data Transfer From One Device To Another Device

Introduction: Bluetooth: The Android platform supports Bluetooth connection, which allows us to exchange data with other Bluetooth devices. The application framework provides Bluetooth related functionality through the Android Bluetooth APIs.All of the Bluetooth APIs are available in the Android Bluetooth package. There are two types of Bluetooth in Android Classic Bluetooth and Bluetooth devices with Continue Reading »

CCAvenue Payment Gateway Integraton in Website using Java

CCAvenue Payment Gateway Integration in Website using Java

Introduction Today, many business owners have understood the importance of doing business over the web. They have realized the benefits of having an online presence. And, that is the reason why ‘E-commerce, Brick and Click’ kind of businesses are growing exponentially. People, today, are paying developers more than ever to have a website or mobile Continue Reading »

Capture Image on Eye Blink

Capture Image on Eye Blink

The Mobile Vision API provides a framework for recognizing objects in photos and videos. The framework includes detectors, which locate and describe visual objects in images or video frames, and an event-driven API that tracks the position of those objects in video. The objects that can be tracked by Mobile Vision API include facial features, text Continue Reading »

Fire base Environment

Multiple Firebase Environments(GoogleService-Info.plist) in iOS

A common scenario in application development is to have different environments, such as Debug, QA, Production… can be resolve via Multiple Firebase Environments. Requirement of having Multiple Firebase Environments : While your app is in development mode, or while it is being tested by the QA department, some “data pollution” could reach Firebase servers. Imagine your application is going to use Firebase Continue Reading »

Geolocation, Geocoding Blog

How to use Geolocation, Geocoding in React Native Apps?

In this post, we will learn, How to implement Geolocation in your App? Geolocation will find your current location and Geocoding gives your address (like City Name, Street Name, etc) by Coordinates (Latitude and Longitude). What is Geolocation? The most famous and familiar location feature — Geolocation is the ability to track a device using Continue Reading »

Android 8.0 Behavior Changes

Android 8.0 Behavior Changes

Introduction: As everyone knows, a lot of changes made after API level 26 for optimizing Android system’s performance, the battery uses and other system-level problems which I am writing below: 1- Changes in Service. 2- Changes in Broadcast Reciever. 3- Changes in Push Notification 1-Changes in Broadcast Reciever: So before understanding the changes in broadcast receiver let’s Continue Reading »

dSYM File Error

Firebase Crashlytics Integration In iOS Swift (dSYM File Required Problem Resolved)

Introduction: Nowadays, Firebase Crashlytics is a very important part of our projects to monitor crashes of our applications that may be an android or iOS application. For the time being it is an unbeatable tool to log your day to day crashes for each user of your application. It provides good documentation and step by Continue Reading »

Offline Content Storage and Sync with Server when Modified

What is If-Modified-Since? The smart and efficient way to get images, icons and more from your server. If-Modified-Since is an HTTP header Which is sent to the server as a condition. If the content has been changed on the server, then the server responds with 200 status code with the whole requested document. Else If Continue Reading »

Paytm Integration in Swift

This blog is about how to integrate Paytm with the iOS App. Steps to integrate paytm via SDK 1. Import the library : A library can be imported by two process : a) Via pods Add pod ‘Paytm-Payments’ in the pod file. Run ‘pod install’ from terminal. Now open the xcworkspace Go to “Link Binary With Continue Reading »

End-User Testing

How to Make Each Round of Testing Count?

1. Lets list things we need to discuss:- Set our goal clear. Understand value of feature for End-User. Keep a track of all the test scenarios and new findings. After testing check have we covered all the checkpoints. UI checkpoints. Last but not least, give app/web_app to another tester who is not a part for Continue Reading »

What is EventBus Library and How Does it Work?

In this blog, we are going to discuss about the Eventbus library. What is EventBus: EventBus Is open Source android library that simplifies communication between Activities, Fragments, Threads, Services, with Less code, better quality.When we develop an android application we need to manage a lot of intercommunication between android components which some time’s become very Continue Reading »

Nearby API Post-Connection Phase

We have already discussed near pre-connection phase in our previous blog. Check this reference : Now, in this blog, we will have a look at the post-connection phase. After the connection between advertiser and discoverer is made successfully, post-connection phase starts. In the post-connection phase, there is no distinction between advertiser and discoverer. Both can Continue Reading »