Monthly Archives: March 2023

Role of equal() and hashCode Methods()

In Java, HashMap is a widely used data structure that stores elements in key-value pairs. It provides constant-time performance for basic operations like adding, removing, and accessing elements. The implementation of HashMap relies heavily on the equals and hashCode methods, which are used to ensure the uniqueness of keys and the efficiency of lookup operations. Continue Reading »

Generating Java Code from Open API

Introduction:-  Open API (open application programming interface) Open API Generator can generate code based on an Open API yaml specification. We can generate request models, response models, and controllers of API. Following are the steps to create java code from Open API:- Step 1:-Create a yaml file for your API By using this, below Continue Reading »

Closure in Javascript

As per the definition of Javascript Developer, Closure is defined as the combination of a function bundled together (enclosed) with references to its surrounding state (the lexical environment). But what is meant by the terms “enclosed”, “surrounding state“, and lexical environment? No need to worry, we’ll discuss their terms and closure in this article with Continue Reading »


How Liquibase Works? Liquibase is used to track database changes. It is an Open Source Library. We all have worked in systems where the typical database change operation process was to write DDL, and DML scripts in SQL lines which were source-controlled, and database changes were executed by the developer or by some other team. Continue Reading »