Tag Archives: technology

Deploying LLM on RunPod

Deploying LLM on RunPod

Runpod emerges as a beacon of innovation in cloud computing, specifically tailored to empower AI, ML, and general computational tasks. Engineered to harness the power of GPU and CPU resources within Pods, it offers a seamless blend of efficiency and flexibility through serverless computing options. Deploying a Large Language Model (LLM) on RunPod Leveraging the Continue Reading »

API Testing Guidebook

API Testing Guidebook

What is API ? API stands for Application programming Interface, it is a mediator which is present between the presentation layer and the Database layer. API enables the communication and the data transfer between the two channels. API is a business logic, which is written by the developer in any programming language to perform the Continue Reading »

Currying in JavaScript

Currying is a task that takes one argument at a time and brings back a new task awaiting the next argument. It is a modification of functions that translate function from callable as f (a, b, c) to f (a)(b)(c). In this article, we will look at what currying is in Javascript, why you should Continue Reading »

What is Github?

Github is a code hosting platform that lets you and others work on the same project simultaneously. Github is the largest community of Developers where anyone can contribute to the project. By making a separate branch of the code a dedicated area is assigned to the developer so that there won’t be any clash between Continue Reading »