Tag Archives: JavaScript

Pure Components

In this article, we will discuss what are pure functions in javascript? What are pure components? When to use pure components in React and when not to use them? What is the difference between Pure components and class and functional components? What are the advantages of pure components over others? When a function is called Continue Reading »

CKEditor with strapi

CKEditor5 react is a modern JavaScript-rich text editor with a modular architecture. It is one of the most used free WYSIWYG rich text editors used because of it is clear UI and customization features. Generate Plugin             Path – my-app npm run strapi generate:plugin wysiwyg Install CKEditor dependencies Path –  ./plugin/wysiwyg npm i @ckeditor/ckeditor5-react @ckeditor/ckeditor5-build-classic Continue Reading »

MobX in React

MobX is the new upcoming state management solution. This blog is all about how to create a simple React-Native app using MobX. MobX is fast in speed than Redux, its easier to learn & requires less boilerplate code. Here are some of its main concepts Stores: Stores create data sources. A store is basically an Continue Reading »

How prototype works in java script

How Prototype Works in JavaScript?

By default, every function has a property called prototype this property by default is empty and you can add properties and methods to it and when you create an object from this function. The object inherits its properties and methods. It has been often confusing to the beginners “How Prototype Works in Javascript” and with this, you will also get the Continue Reading »