Category Archives: Mobile

Hibernate Query Language

  In this tutorial will discuss about Hibernate Query Language. HQL is an object-oriented query language. Hibernate Query Language(HQL) is same as Structured Query language(SQL), except that in HQL we use entity class name instead of table name. HQL provides its own syntax and grammar Ex.  From Employee emp . Where Employee is an entity class Continue Reading »

Spring Security with OAuth2

  Spring Security provides comprehensive security services for J2EE – based enterprise software applications. It is powerful, flexible and pluggable. It is not Proxy server, firewall, OS level Security, Intrusion Detection System,  and JVM Security. OAuth is open authorization protocol, which allows accessing resources of the resource owner by enabling the client applications on HTTP Continue Reading »

Functional Interface and Lambda Expression

  Welcome to the tutorial of Functional Interface and Lambda expression. In this tutorial we will discuss fundamental concept of functional interface and lambda expression. Functional Interface : Functional Interface is just a interface with one abstract method, but it  can have any number of default and static method. Runnable and Comparable interface are the Continue Reading »

Version Control of Android Studio Project via SVN

Apache Subversion (SVN) SVN stands for Apache Subversion, a software versioning and revision control system distributed as open source under the Apache License. In order to demonstrate the process of adding an Android Studio project into SVN,  let’s first create a new project in Android Studio and name it HelloWorldProject. The project structure looks like this Continue Reading »

Reducing Size of Bitmap

Reducing Size of Bitmap Introduction- Images come in all shapes and sizes. In many cases they are larger than required size for a typical application user interface. For example, the system Gallery application displays photos taken using your Android devices’s camera which are typically much higher resolution than the screen density of your device. So Continue Reading »

AutoCompleteView – Synchronous server call with Filter

In order to implement synchronous server calling within filter, autocomplete textview is being used. Web service is hit with each character typed in Autocomplete list. For having data dynamically in the list, we can make customized adapter. I have implemented it by making this adapter to implement filterable interface. For getting data from server, two Continue Reading »

Fragment to Fragment Communication

Communication Between Fragments We can communicate from one Fragment to another Fragment and receive callback from calling Fragment to caller Fragment by using a standard method setTargetFragment() and getTargetFragment(). Scenario – We are in a Fragment and want to open a Dialog Fragment on top of Fragment. On Dialog Fragment, we do some task and Continue Reading »

Firebase Dynamic Links

Dynamic Links are smart URLs that allow you to send existing and potential users to any location within your iOS or Android app. They survive the app install process, so even new users see the content they’re looking for when they open the app for the first time. Key Benefits of Dynamic Links : Convert Continue Reading »

What’s New in iOS 11

Apple has announced iOS 11 in WWDC 2017. Like every conference, Apple revealed new iPhones with new iOS features. All of us stuck on iPhone only with its retina scan. There is a chaos for iPhone X Design. In spite of this, we’ll try to cover major changes in iOS 11 which have overshadowed new Continue Reading »

Firebase Authentication in iOS

  Firebase Authentication in iOS When You want to create a user based app where you want to feature or activity depends on Users. I can assume, you need User Login, Forget password and Registration screen for user-related interactions. In most of the cases, Login/Registration User functionality doesn’t belong to Client end (i.e. iOS or Continue Reading »

All About SQLite

  What is SQLite? SQLite is an open source, zero-configuration, self-contained, stand-alone, transaction relational database engine designed to be embedded in an application. SQLite is an embedded relational database management system used in the mobile applications. SQLite is different from other SQL databases because unlike most other SQL databases, SQLite does not have a separate server Continue Reading »

SOLID: Dependency Inversion Principle

Dependency Inversion Principle Previous Principle: Interface Segregation Principle High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions. When designing a system we have low level classes (classes which implement primary operation like: Network access, Disk access, Database access) and high level classes which have business logic. High level classes are dependent on Continue Reading »

SOLID: Interface Segregation Principle

Interface Segregation Principle Previous Principle: Liskov’s Substitution Principle A client should never be forced to implement an interface that it doesn’t use or clients shouldn’t be forced to depend on methods they do not use. In OOD we provide abstraction to module using interfaces, so we create an interface for a module and an implementation class. Continue Reading »

SOLID: Open Close Principle

Open Close Principle If you have not read Single Responsibility Principle Start from here Single Responsibility Principle Classes should be open for extension, but closed for modification This principle states that any new functionality can be added in a system with minimum modification in the current code. Means the system should be open to additions but it should Continue Reading »

SOLID: Single Responsibility Principle

Object Oriented Design Principles A good design is most important step of Software Development life cycle, and to have a good design we must follow some set of guidelines. According to Robert Martin in “Agile Software Development: Principles, Patterns, and Practices” there are 3 main reasons of bad design that should be avoided: Rigidity – System Continue Reading »

JSONExport: JSON to Model

JSONExport:  Now you do not need to Understand your JSON Structure and create your model manually. Here is a utility to convert your JSON into model to do that. You just need to paste your JSON in JSON field. First it will check it JSON is valid, then convert it into model. It will create different Continue Reading »

Source Code Management using SvnX

Introduction: Source code management is simply referred to as version control or revision control which is a management of changes of documents or any other collection of information. Source code management is necessary if we are working in a group and we need to synchronise our code if any one of them perform changes. Problem: Continue Reading »

Postman – Proxy and Mock Server

Introduction: Postman is Google Chrome app to send HTTP request and get response. It provides a user friendly UI for creating request and reading response. Features of postman: It is simple and powerful tool with friendly interface. Saved the history of all API Request. Unlimited collections, environments, tests and shares. Automated testing with collection runner Continue Reading »

Beta App Testing Via TestFlight iOS

We need to distribute our App to some users for Beta App Testing. There are some tools available which can be used for this purpose like Diawi, Fabric etc. Apple provides TestFlight iOS for distribution of App to Beta testers. To take advantage of TestFlight, simply upload a beta build of your app, and use iTunes Connect to add Continue Reading » – Firebase Cloud Messaging Testing tool

Introduction: Enabling push notifications in an iOS App is not a typical task. But sending push notifications to iOS device requires server side implementation which interacts with APNS to send push notification to an iOS device. Here’s an another alternative for sending push notifications to iOS device is using Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM). Firebase Cloud Messaging Continue Reading »

Web Service Proxy with Charles

There are some scenarios where we can use Charles : Sometimes we need to change web service request parameters to check some scenarios in our App, For this we need to change these parameters in our App before sending request. So everytime we need to make changes in our App to test with different request Continue Reading »