Category Archives: Java Application

End-User Testing

How to Make Each Round of Testing Count?

1. Lets list things we need to discuss:- Set our goal clear. Understand value of feature for End-User. Keep a track of all the test scenarios and new findings. After testing check have we covered all the checkpoints. UI checkpoints. Last but not least, give app/web_app to another tester who is not a part for Continue Reading »

Hibernate Mapping

Hibernate mappings are one of the key features of  Hibernate. They establish the relationship between two database tables as attributes in your model. That allows you to easily navigate the associations in your model and Criteria queries. You can establish either unidirectional or bidirectional i.e you can either model them as an attribute on only one Continue Reading »

Spring Hibernate With EhCache

Ehcache is an open-source, standards-based cache for boosting performance, simplifying scalability and offloading your database. EhCache is used to improve performance by reducing the load on underlying resources.  It can also be used for RESTful server caching, application persistence, and distributed caching. In simple words, cache means a store of things that will be required Continue Reading »

Spring Security with OAuth2

  Spring Security provides comprehensive security services for J2EE – based enterprise software applications. It is powerful, flexible and pluggable. It is not Proxy server, firewall, OS level Security, Intrusion Detection System,  and JVM Security. OAuth is open authorization protocol, which allows accessing resources of the resource owner by enabling the client applications on HTTP Continue Reading »

Spring Data JPA

  Spring Data JPA is not a JPA provider but is a specification. It is a library / framework that adds an extra layer of abstraction on the top of our JPA provider. It simply “hides” the Java Persistence API (and the JPA provider) behind its repository abstraction. JPA is the sun specification for persisting Continue Reading »