Tag Archives: Swift 3.0

JSONExport: JSON to Model

JSONExport:  Now you do not need to Understand your JSON Structure and create your model manually. Here is a utility to convert your JSON into model to do that. You just need to paste your JSON in JSON field. First it will check it JSON is valid, then convert it into model. It will create different Continue Reading »

Play with Audio in Swift 3.0

Audio recording and playing is not a tough task in iOS but it takes time to understand and implement. There is a framework called AVFoundation which will help you to record sound. Steps To Record Sound: 1.  Import Framework AVFoundation:  To record and play audio first you need to import a framework AVFoundation. This framework will Continue Reading »

Tailor: Clean and Organized Code

  I found this quote by James O. Coplien on Japanese workplace organization methodology called 5S Clean your workplace on daily basis completely or set cleaning frequency. Use cleaning as inspection. Prevent machinery and equipment deterioration. Keep workplace safe and easy to work. Keep workplace clean and pleasing to work in. Just like our organization, the codebase Continue Reading »


Alamofire: Alamofire is a HTTP networking based library for iOS and macOS. It is used to handle HTTP request and response. It is the wrapper class of URLSession. Before Alamofire: You need to prepare all request by yourself Task handling is complicated Multipart request and File downloading & uploading is complicated Image caching needs to done Continue Reading »

Error Handling in Swift 3.0

Error Handling: Error is an issue or unexpected condition that may cause a program to not function properly. Error can be compile time or runtime. Error Handling is a process of identifying, catching and recovering  the error conditions. Here we are trying to handle server side error which occurred while sending request or receiving response. These errors maybe Continue Reading »

Push Notification Handling in Swift 3.0

Notifications: There are two types of notifications: Local Notification Remote Notification (Push Notification) Local notifications are scheduled and sent by an app and delivered on the same device without involvement of internet. Remote Notification (Push Notification): Push notifications are sent by remote server to the APNs and then it pushes the notification to the specific device. Continue Reading »

Application Data Caching in iOS

Cache is a prominent term which you’ve heard very often in Computing world. Alike, we have cache memory in our iPhones. As per the Wikipedia, description of cache is “Cache Memory is a fast and relatively small memory that is completely handled by the hardware, that stores the most recently used  main memory (RAM). The Continue Reading »