Tag Archives: react native

Class component vs functional component

In React Native mainly two types of components Class Component & Functional Component.  Class components are ECMAScript2015(ES6) that extend a base class from React called Component. It is used as a container component to handle state management. Before introducing the concept of hooks in React 16.8 functional component is a plain javascript function but after Continue Reading »

Pure Components

In this article, we will discuss what are pure functions in javascript? What are pure components? When to use pure components in React and when not to use them? What is the difference between Pure components and class and functional components? What are the advantages of pure components over others? When a function is called Continue Reading »

Geolocation, Geocoding Blog

How to use Geolocation, Geocoding in React Native Apps?

In this post, we will learn, How to implement Geolocation in your App? Geolocation will find your current location and Geocoding gives your address (like City Name, Street Name, etc) by Coordinates (Latitude and Longitude). What is Geolocation? The most famous and familiar location feature — Geolocation is the ability to track a device using Continue Reading »