Tag Archives: css


CSS Grid is a powerful tool that allows for two-dimensional textures to be built on the web. This guide is designed as a tool to help you better understand and read the Grid, and is organized in a way that I think makes a lot of sense as you read. Grid Container    Create a grid Continue Reading »

SQL vs MongoDB

Introduction SQL (Structured Query Language) may be a programing language that’s wont to conduct operations on database records, like updating, inserting, deleting, and creating and altering database tables and views. SQL may be a command language instead of a database system. Assume you would like to use the SQL language to run queries on the database’s data. Any direction system, like Oracle, MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, DB2, and others must be Continue Reading »


HealthKit is a framework that is provided by apple that helps us in getting and managing user health-related data in a very easy and convenient way. We can integrate HealthKit in any application just by a grant the application to get access to the HealthKit data. so, the user data was easily available to that Continue Reading »


Flexbox – This term is also called the Flexible-Box which was introduced in 2009. It is a CSS3 Layout that provides a way to arrange items within a container, basically, it is a flexible container with several properties namely width, height position, etc. If you’ve used CSS for a while you have probably been using Continue Reading »